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Hi there!


Welcome to The Lit/Lens Review, where I reveal the literary influences, references, and parallels that I find in selected films and TV shows, even and especially when no reference to literature is declared or evident.


Literature influences media of all kinds, and I will be taking a look at these films through the lens of literature — and broadening the scope of the literary lens from what one would traditionally consider literature — books, poems, etc. — to a more descriptive scope that captures references to films, video games, plays, stories told orally, and anything that contains a narrative.


I have a special affinity for classic literature of centuries past, and I will, in multiple reviews, take specific lines of literature and show how they influence films and other media.


Film and literature references and connections are two of my favorite topics, so I am elated to be sharing my discoveries with you all as I unpack the cultural impact of literature and the humanities on The Lit/Lens Review, what I hope will be a supernova of art.


Stay tuned,


Lauren Taglienti


About the Author:
Lauren Taglienti

I'm a lifelong storytelling and literature enthusiast. That's literature as in books, film, TV shows, plays, and anything that begins as spoken or written words that tell a story. 

I'm also a writer and filmmaker with a passion for picking up on the techniques of a film or story while spotting thematic, technical, and other reference points elsewhere in media. The connections I make are in the articles of The Lit/Lens Review.


In addition to reviews, I'll also be interspersing more personal thoughts of my own, book and movie suggestions, and anything else I feel like sharing with you. I hope you enjoy!

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