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The Lit/Lens Review

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Lit/Lens' Recents


“His biggest misgiving came from his concern about the loud crash that was bound to occur and would probably create, if not terror, at least anxiety behind all the doors. But that would have to be risked.” 

-Franz Kafka,

The Metamorphosis

Coming soon: a post including the following quotes:

"Oh yes, yes, I've locked the door...I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages."
-Burgess Meredith, "The Obsolete Man," The Twilight Zone


Hi there! 
I’m Lauren,

and I'm a lifelong storytelling and literature enthusiast. That's literature as in books, film, TV shows, plays, and anything that begins as spoken or written words that tell a story. 

I'm also a writer and filmmaker with a passion for picking up on the techniques of a film or written story while spotting reference points elsewhere in media for themes, techniques, and any other aspect of the piece. The connections I make are in each article of The Lit/Lens Review.

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